Thursday, April 11, 2013

Library Bags

My brother and sister-in-law live about 15 minutes away, and since we have three little girls and they have five little girls, I will pause for a moment to allow you to imagine the good times, giggles and shrieking that occurs on a very regular basis.


There - if that didn't bring a smile to your face, I don't know what would.

Every year for my nieces' birthdays, I pick a theme for presents for them all.  The oldest will turn 9 this summer (9!? How is that possible?), so they're still at the stage where fair is more important than customized.  Therefore, they all get the same thing.  Last year, it was stuffed horses...  This year, it's a custom library bag with a book and some trinkets inside.

I bought a couple yards of the main fabric as a backing for the schoolroom quilt - but the colors are much too subdued to stand up to the ROYGBIV-ness.  It was just sitting there in my craft room, when suddenly, one day, the Fat Quarter Shop put the entire line of fabric (Homeschool) on 50% off.  Well then.  That made it easy!  My girls and I picked out a 1/2 yd of fabric in five of the coordinating prints, and planned out library tote bags!  I think these girls are at the library even more than mine, if that's even possible.

R, the March girl, already has hers, and I heard today that C, the April girl, was expressing great angst over her lack of a personalized library bag.  Hold tight, C, you'll get yours on Saturday!

On the other hand, M has to wait until July, B has to wait until August and S has to wait until October! At least she's the baby, so she won't care.

I'm also excited about the book that's in C's bag - Crafty Chloe!  This will be absolutely perfect for C.  And no, her name's not Chloe.  That would be even more perfect, I suppose, but it's still pretty darn awesome.

Random funny story: the library actually called me between the taking of those two photos.  Turned out I returned a movie today without the disc.  Oops.

(P.S.  This constitutes a FINISH for the 2013 Finish-A-Long second quarter!  That's a link to my list of hopeful finishes...)

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